
“Feeding the world's growing population will prove ever more difficult; but innovative solutions with investment potential could be ahead..”

- Jessica Alsford, Morgan Stanley.

Our Investment Approach

According to the United Nations, by 2050 the world’s population is forecast to surpass 10 billion people. To keep pace with population growth, the global food supply will need to increase 50% over current volumes to accommodate projected demand.
Cereus Capital Partners´ strategy is to acquire food and agro-industrial companies in selected business clusters including food processing, marketing, distribution, and logistics companies mostly in the Southern Cone of Latin America and also in other countries in South and Central America.

Our business emphasis is oriented more towards strategic and operational expertise rather than financial modelling only.

Our experience shows that the post-acquisition work plan and staffing is of paramount importance and can be the difference between achieving modest or highly satisfactory financial results.

By centering our strategy, operations and functional issues, we are able to get down the learning/experience curve more rapidly, set the right “blueprint” for each company, and generate expected growth and return. Our goal is to maximize returns and expected multiples for our investors by continuously and consistently build a competitive advantage by the introduction of best practices and state-of-the art technologies.

Our selection criteria:

  • Annual revenue of at least $10 million (exceptions only when extraordinary growth potential is present)

  • A top-notch entrepreneur and solid management team

  • Demonstrated sustainable profitability

  • Proven business model through an established client base and market share

  • Scalable businesses on the local market

  • Product or service scalable to US market penetration and other countries

  • Disruptive model either through product concept, technology or innovative methodology

  • Possible roll-ups

  • Clear exit options

Our Geographic Focus

Within Brazil and extending to the Center-West of South America, including the states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Rondonia, Paraguay, Eastern Bolivia and Northeast Argentina, is a prolific agriculture production area known as the Continental Geopolitical Fusion Area. This landlocked area is located in the heart of South America and is rapidly becoming a logistical and production cluster for selected agrifood business sectors. Mato Grosso do Sul is also Brazilian State that will most benefit from the new Bioceanic Route, a 2,396-kilometer road corridor that connects the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean set to be concluded in December of 2024.

This regional cluster includes geographic barriers associated with the regions’ three great geological features: the Andes Mountains, splitting the continent from East to West and the Amazon and Plata basins which creates a Division between North and South.
In this context, Cereus Capital Partners has identified a series of well-defined food and agribusiness regional clusters providing sustainable competitive advantages and built on an export-driven revenue model.

Also, we will look for attractive investment opportunities in Peru, Colombia and Central America.